Sunday, August 8, 2010

When I need a little more than baking

I love my kitchen. I love baking. I love the smell of fresh grated lemon peel, and pumkin pie spice. I bake when it's hot. When it's cold. I bake when I'm happy. I bake when I'm sad.(Sorry, I seem to be borrowing Dr. suesses writing style). It's my go to when I need to take the edge off. My prozac, bubble bath, chamomile tea.

But although baking seems to be my escape(well that and facebook, but don't tell anyone...its so not cool to admit to), I've needed a bit more as of late. Maybe a good book perhaps. Or maybe I should actually write in my blog!

The reasons why I suck at blogging... I have a hard time tieing myself down to one spot, Peter likes to type over the top of me, I'm not much for grammer or spelling, and finally I get moody and reclusive not wanting to talk to or at anyone not included in my safe circle.(the circle I'm afraid includes only those living with husband, son, and dog.)

I also filter too much of my thinking...wondering who I'm going to affend with my raw thoughts. Recipes are safe, but opionions on life, parenting, religion, and politics can get a bit messy. I hate messy. I hate dealing with peoples rediculous emotions on matters that no one is forcing them to accept...just ponder.

I go so long between blog postings that I forget my password. So for sanitys sake, I want to blog a little....even when I don't feel like it.

1 comment:

MaryBeth said...

Disable the comments. No really. Avoid people and their messy opinions about your messy opinions. Create a new blog under the radar (ie ...don't post about it on FB or tell anyone where it is) and write to your hearts content without caring who is reading. (Thats crazy isn't it, never mind don't do that one...I want to think I'm original :)

OK in all seriousness. I really like your writing and I know its good for I do hope you keep blogging. I also hope you combine your baking and your blogging by sharing your inspiring recipes (Seriously its not everybody who will try an avocado bread with lime glaze!) and maybe some pictures of your baking adventures. MMMMM