Saturday, February 2, 2008

How To Eliminate Coffee Stains..

Every time I wear white I know with out a doubt I will indeed spill coffee on myself. Okay, so whatever color I wear I spill coffee on myself, but wearing white pretty much makes a bill board size statement to the world that I am indeed clumsy. Needless to stay much of my white shirts stay in the closet for years on end for the day when I give up my cup of joe for the much earthier green hasn't happened yet despite my best efforts to do what's best. My remedy, which will allow me the pleasure of drinking joe while wearing my white shirt, is to simply dye all my white shirts coffee color!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just brewed a steaming 12 cup pot and smashed a few shirts in a large pot. I'll update you on the finished product.

Here is a link to a professional how to on tea and coffee dyeing :


Gombojav Tribe said...

Like Phoebe on friends who said when she saw Rachel's clothes all dyed pink because of the red sock in the whites: "Now all your clothes match! I'm gonna do this!"


MaryBeth said...

So I wanna see pictures!!!