Sunday, December 30, 2007

Cheers to a new year!!

I'm excited to begin this new year. It's almost the same giddiness one feels when writing in a new journal or opening a new book. It's funny how as I ponder what I will resolute for the upcoming year, most of my resolution is based on my regrets of this year. For 2008 I have decided to become more of myself. Most people I believe would resolute to tame and modify themselves. No not me! I want to become the person that lives on the inside. The me that is daring and courages. The me that says I love yous' with ease. I want to be unapologetically passionate about the things I believe in. No more half ass. Loved or hated I want to be truly myself and nothing more nor less. I look forward to sharing this voyage with those who log on and read along. (Feel free to jump overboard at anytime)

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